Monday, December 12, 2011

Comic Strip

For this assignment we were told to create a comic through photoshop and Grant and I did just that. About my trusty water bottle, which inspired me. I am very satisfied with Grant and my work. It took us a long time to decide which pictures to use though. I would be sure to use large pictures next time. Yay!

Monday, November 21, 2011


Today we were told to use one of seven websites that resemble that of the program photoshop, I chose to use, a simple website that offers very similar tools to photoshop. I used the pencil tool, the drawing tool, and the eraser tool, a total of three tools to create this image that looks hand drawn drawing. This website is really quite great considering it is free. The tools are really intuitive and are easily understood. Compared to photoshop it is quite close, using some of the same ideas and tools as photoshop. I feel like anyone who had a desire to accomplish anything from a drawing to a more serious design could use this site. I recommend this site.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Visual Puns

For this projects we were told to represent a pun visually. I just kinda thought of the individual elements that made up the pun and tried to think of what would iterate the pun, using the four techniques we were provided with, threshold, posterize, gradient map, and overlay. I think I did a pretty great job with everything, though, I kinda wish I used the filters and such more effectively. I love my Buddha one.

Friday, October 28, 2011

For this project we were told to use our wordle project and put it behind an image and create soeme negative space, so the words show through. I approached it by using a representative of oil and the oil spill. Quite obviously,  I was inspired by the catastrophic BP oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico. I think I did okay with this project, but I do think it is very simple, and it could have been a bit more sophisticated, which is something I might work on next time. 


For this project, we were told to enter text into the website,, and create a funky image such as this. For mine, I simply entered some of the main words used in articles about the recent BP oil spill. Which, of course is what inspired me. I'm fairly satisfied with my work, but really I didn't have much control over how it came out, as the website had a limited amount of designs.

Four Square Project

For this, project we were told to take a photo that we had taken and manipulate so that it appeared four times, one in each corner of the square workspace. I went out with three of my classmates and wandered the hallways looking for something to take a picture of. I was fairly successful, in fact my classmates used my pictures in their own projects. I then returned and took my favorite photo and put different filters and postions on it, and finally divided it by two thick, perpendicular, and translucent lines. I wasn't really inspired by much in this project, just the picture I suppose. I'm pretty satisfied with my work, especially for how quickly I completed it.

Negative Space with Text Manipulation

For this assignment were told to work with deleting images, creating negative space and to manipulate text as well. I wanted to something that everyone could relate to, something that would be easy to recognize. And who didn't watch Sesame Street as a little kid, so I was inspired by the lovable Cookie Monster. I think that I did a pretty good job, I kept it simple, and worked efficiently, also adding a stroke, making everything pop. And really, can you go wrong with the Cookie Monster??

Fifteen Green Things

This was a project where we were provided with fifteen different all green things. We were given pretty much total liberty with what we could do with them, but we had to use all of them in one piece, putting them together was the hard part. My main approach was to turn what I could, into a graffiti image, and put them somehow in the tunnel picture. My fourth grade teacher, Mr. Amberly, who was a huge graffiti fan, inspired this piece. I'm fairly satisfied with my work, though the way I used the little boy, by turning him into a smiley face, seems a little weak now. Next time, I would like to apply all the component expertly. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Crazy Combos

For this project we were given a lot of freedom, but our main objective was to create a picture with at least eight different elements, combined to create something, crazy. I really just decided to think of the most random things I could and find a way to put them all into one scene.  I'm pretty  satisfied wth this work, but next time I think I'd like to do something a little more cleaner. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ice Cream

Just something I did before the actual assignments, using the desaturation and history tool.

Delete Project

After the after:

This assignment was one where we were told to use tools, selection tools, and deletion tools to remove something from a picture. I really just looked for something funny to mess with, eventually I found this sumo picture, and I knew it was perfect. After I had successfully removed the sumo on the left, I wanted to do something more, so I added our president. I'm mostly satisfied with my final result, though the picture of Obama was not perfect, there is only a small amount of pictures of people crouching on the internet, much less the president. Next time I'd try to find a better picture for the project. 

Friday, September 9, 2011


For this assignment we were given preset images in one picture. I used photoshop to divy up the images into separate images that I could manipulate. I wanted to use only the things that I liked, while still meeting the assignment requirements. I wanted to make it look fairly clean, with out giving it a boring impression. I think the graffiti backdrop inspired me most of all, with its sprayed, fuzzy appearance, that I applied to the musicians. I'm fairly satisfied with my work, though, looking back, I dont think I would have used the firework-esc brush on the upper part of the work. I think this was a good start to my Photoshop career.