Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nine Image Filtered Self Portrait

For this project we were instructed to create a multi filtered creation using a picture of ourselves. It was quite easy, the hard part was deciding which filters to use. I was inspired by my good looks. I am quire satisfied with I turned out. Hah.


For this project we were told to create a kaleidoscope out of an image. I was quite simple, just to follow the youtube video explaining each step. I was inspired to use lollipops because of my everlasting hunger.  I am fairly satisfied with my work, as i enjoy following the ribbons along the edge.

Friday, January 20, 2012


For this mid-term exam, we were told to create a project from our previous art projects, using a multitude of tools. I simply took a random artistic approach to create a more 'lax piece. I was inspired by the idea behind cropping, using that tool to crop each of my projects. I am quite satisfied with my work, having clever little jokes and ides throughout my work. I might add an actual grid, with color and such next time.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Designs For Paper

This project we were supposed to create any kind of card and in honor of the past holiday season, I created a holiday card. I used a simple picture of frost, and gave it a border. I of course was inspired by the snow back home. I thought i did pretty great.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


For this project we were instructed to riffle through some ARTnews magazines and find some interesting pieces. This circle based Aborigonal Art caught my eye with its bold colors and striking circles. I really like its simplicity and how it makes the eye trace every part of the circle and each dot. The simplistic striking qualities really agree with me. 

Fruit by the Foot, sike.

For this project we were told to sort through ARTnews magazine and find a piece of art that caught our eye. Immediately this cover caught mine. The colors were very attractive all being mostly primary colors, I love those, they are something that is always eye catching. Also, the way the ribbon has been placed really agreed with my eye for some reason. Overall, I think the simplicity and the appealingnesss of the piece just really agreed with me.