Friday, March 30, 2012

Color Wheel Stencil

This project was a simple idea of selecting images, adding a stroke, and placing them in front of a gradient. Grant, Tate and I all took the pictures from the first project and then the check marks are from a project earlier in the year using the blur tool and shape tool to blur circles of color. I am very satisfied with my work.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Photo shop tutorials

These tutorials were for creating Neon artificially, and Smoke... neither were in the original image. They weren't exactly amazing tutorials...but I followed them as best I could, creating what I thought was a solid project. Im fairly satisfied with my work.

Hidden Image

There is a sneaky snake hiding here. Try and find it!

Used simple selection tools and changed the lighting on it a bit...fairly simple project...mostly satisfied with my project.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Animoto Video

My Animoto Video

I am super good at this. I beat Grant! Let's go! Simple stuff really, just a lot of clicking. using old files. Yay.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


These are my first two tutorial projects, Blending Into A Wall and Reflecting Images in Shiny Metals. I was inspired by pokemon for the second and I lacked inspiration for the first. I worked alongside the video tutorials to complete each, following each step to the dot.

Pokemon Chair

This project was inspired by my rediscovered love and obsession with pokemon. I used the final evolution for each of the original starter pokemon in my project with a lowered opacity pokeball to decorate my office chair. I think I did a fair job.